
Our Educational Philosophy

How valuing what matters most translates into how and what we teach

When it comes to educational philosophy, all schools should (or the best schools will) have as their central purpose the formation of good lives. National modern education policy is often restricted to the economic purpose of education – preparing people for the world of work and to assist our society to be ‘globally competitive’.

Then there are the five domains of a person’s development: intellectual, emotional, social, physical and spiritual.

With our educational philosophy, we believe strongly in the broader purposes of education, which include the economic, as well as the development of the whole person – a “holistic” education. This extends to providing a moral and spiritual education that explores Christian teachings and faith.

For us, a ‘well-schooled’ young adult will be:

  • a person of good character,
  • socially well-connected,
  • keeping healthy habits,
  • possessing substantial knowledge and know-how to learn and
  • wise
This is what we believe will influence their success and happiness as adults.

These ideas are the convergence of traditional wisdom, as found in the bible, and what we have learned about brain development through modern neuroscience. They were even modelled in Jesus life as recorded by the apostle Luke, ‘And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and all the people.’ (Luke 2:52)

Social and Emotional Development

Social development comes about through connecting with others. Community connections is the basis of NCC’s wellbeing program, our pastoral care program dedicated to the spiritual, emotional, social and physical wellbeing of students.

The fundamental rule for effective living in community is as Jesus taught, ‘To do to others as you would like them to do to you’ (Luke 6:31).

At NCC, our focus on good character, including empathy and compassion, counters the dangers of destructive social habits such as bullying.

All students are involved in a broad local community service program and service trips are available each year in Australia and overseas. These initiatives help our students develop greater compassion and empathy and a community mindset that extends to the lifelong obligation to help others. Luke 6:38: ‘Give and you will receive.’

Through a myriad of ways, experiences and reflections, formally and informally, we aim to help each and every child develop their emotional aptitude, comfort and intelligence. We recognise that emotional intelligence is essential for successfully functioning people and a desired leadership trait.

Caring for others makes us feel cared-for.

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Spiritual Development

Spiritual development includes a search for meaning. As American author, Mark Twain, said, ‘The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.’

The Christian way of thinking and living, as described in the bible and by Jesus, forms the foundations of NCC as a Christian Community. These fundamental principles start with the Christian understanding of the dignity of each person being made in the image of God and loved by God. At NCC, we are an inclusive and welcoming community.

NCC is also a broad Christian community, taking our philosophical foundations from the bible, not a particular denomination’s doctrine

While we follow the Christian faith at NCC, we also believe it’s important for our students to understand other faiths. Thus, at NCC, the Christian way of thinking and living is compared with other dominant philosophies to assist students and families in their search for meaning and spiritual growth.

Intellectual, Talent & Physical Development

We provide extensive opportunities for students to explore their interests, talents and passions and gain success at NCC. This reflects our philosophy of the value of each student and their individual strengths and recognises the diversity that can exist even within families. Our aim is for all family members with different strengths and interests to find success.

The compulsory years (Prep – Year 6) feature an emphasis on base knowledge and skills, featuring ‘tried and true’ teaching and ̶Ƶ programs in literacy, numeracy, science, the humanities, the arts, technologies, health and physical education, and languages, the latter aiding ̶Ƶ in a number of ways.

Our dedicated Middle School for Years 7 to 9 is designed with specialised leadership, pastoral and chapel programs, and growth opportunities through the high growth ‘adolescent’ years.

During Middle and Senior school we offer students choice and options – through a broad range of subject experiences, including high-challenge academic pathways, where NCC students have won state academic awards, to the broadest range of outstanding vocational courses in Hospitality, Agriculture, Technology, Recreation and Business.

Our Academic program is paralleled by a range of co-curricular activities, including:

  • A comprehensive music and band program for all students starting in Year 4
  • Farm program including miniature horse club
  • Interschool sport program through membership of the regional independent schools’ competitions
  • Purpose-built facilities including gymnasium, dance studio and an outstanding hospitality kitchen and bakery
  • Arts programs including Junior School theatre club and Middle/Senior Schools musicals
  • A learn to swim program (available from 2.5 years of age) and junior squad training

Importantly, as part of our educational philosophy valuing what matters most, we value the family unit as the primary source of ̶Ƶ and we work hard to partner with parents for the fullness of their child’s growth during the school years.

Geoff van der Vliet
Executive Principal

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