
Our Mission, Vision and Values

Our Christian Ethos drives our Mission, Vision and Values

At Nambour Christian College, our mission, vision and values are very much lived values that each and every one of us strives to attain each day. How we deliver on these comes down to our strategic focus on four key areas.

Ultimately, we are here to make a positive impact on the world. The ‘we’ is all of us involved in NCC. Most importantly, it is the students who come to us with open hearts and open minds, who will go on to make positive contributions to their communities and beyond.

Our Mission

“To provide a secure and supportive Christ-centred ̶Ƶ community, where a commitment to excellence, creativity and service is encouraged and modelled.”

Our Vision

Transforming Lives. Impacting the world for Christ.

Our Values

For our staff, students and families we encourage a life that lives by these values:

Kindness – Demonstrating a generous heart; being thoughtful and considerate.
Justice – Being committed to justice and fairness; doing what you can to create a more equitable world.
Mercy – Extending grace and forgiveness; being empathetic and compassionate.
Humility – Being modest and respectful; caring for others.

Our Strategic Focus

There are four pillars to our strategic focus:

Our NCC Community

NCC will be known for its vibrant caring community, where the values of worship, relationship and stewardship are evident in the lives of our students and through our culture, programs and events.

Knowledge and Learning

Learning is at the heart of our community across all dimensions, (intellectual, social, emotional, physical and spiritual) providing students with opportunities and support to achieve the highest possible standard of education through a broad range of subject offerings and innovative programs. Read more on our Education Philosophy.

Growth and Development

To continue to grow and develop its facilities ensuring that the physical environment is continuously improved and developed to reflect evolving ̶Ƶ methodologies whilst maintaining our history, values and culture. Explore our Campus.


To attract and retain quality teaching and non-teaching staff through competitive salary levels, structured professional ̶Ƶ activities, safe and supportive working conditions and periodic performance review. Meet our staff.

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