Leadership Opportunities

At NCC, we support children from a young age to develop leadership skills and guide them in being leaders.

The leadership and development opportunities are extensive and total hundreds of positions across the school. Plus, we provide leadership development programs at NCC and opportunities for students to attend age-appropriate leadership conferences.

School Leadership Positions
School Captains

There are two school captains for each sub-school: Junior, Middle and Senior (six positions) and six Vice Captains. The Captaincy Team receives training and support in its leadership roles across the school year. They meet with the Deputy Head during one-morning tea each week.

Senior Prefects

Our Prefect Team comprises six Year 12 students.

House Leaders

At NCC, each sub school has house leaders in our four houses, Benjamin, Dan, Judah and Levi.

Student Leaders Team

This team comprises student representatives from Years 10, 11 and 12, specifically the Captaincy Team, Year 12 House Leaders, Year 12 Prefects and Leaders in Years 10 and 11. Students in Years 10 and 11 apply to be a part of this team and go through a formal selection process. The Student Leaders team meets with the Deputy Head of the Senior School weekly and works on events and leadership training. In representing their peers, students are responsible for communicating back to their peers on meeting days, fundraisers, and events.

Other Captain Positions

We also have captain positions across the Co-Curricular programs that we offer including:

  • Sports Captain Positions
  • Berakah Miniature Show Team Leaders
  • Creative and Performing Arts Leaders (Dance, Drama, FTV, Music)
  • Performance & Instrumental Music Leasers
  • Junior School Council
Leadership Programs
Leadership Development Program

A Leadership Development Program is run in each sub-school and is tailored to each level.

Senior School Leadership Program

Collaborating with adolescents aged 15-18 is a distinctive and fulfilling experience. Our responsibility entails guiding and encouraging emerging adults through a pivotal phase of their education and individual advancement.

In the Senior School, we prioritise excellence across the board, including the cultivation of essential life skills, the nurturing of character values, and fostering of leadership attributes. Our approach is tailored to this age demographic’s distinct prerequisites and aspirations.

We are extremely pleased to witness our senior students’ cognitive growth and personal maturation. We firmly believe that the development we refine today will empower them to adeptly navigate the trials of adulthood and emerge as future leaders.

Quest Leadership Program

The Quest Leadership program provides an opportunity for students in Year 6 with leadership potential to come together to develop their critical and creative thinking, communication, organisational and leadership skills.

Students are encouraged to develop their talents, follow their passions, and make a positive contribution to their world.

Mentor Programs

Junior Peer Mentoring Program

Students across Years 10-12 can sign up for the Junior Peer Mentoring Program.  This occurs weekly in the Junior School during Friday lunch, with senior students assigned to a Junior class/teacher. The purpose is to form connections and build relationships.

Leadership Conferences

Students have the opportunity to attend the following annual conferences.

  • , Canberra
  • , Brisbane
Student Committees

For Senior School students, we have many student-led committees that operate under the guidance of the Deputy Head of Senior School. These are usually led by Year 12s, sometimes Year 11 students.  These committees include the Senior Jacket Committee, Formal Graduation Committee, Valentine’s Chocolates Committee, Fundraiser Committees (various throughout the year – Jeans for Genes, Cancer Council Big Morning Tea, Forty Hour Famine, Destiny Rescue, The Shack), Environmental Committee, and Chapel Committee.

By being part of a committee, you learn how to gain consensus, make decisions, take on responsibilities, and achieve group goals – all of which help you to develop civic capabilities.

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